Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Business Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Business Plan - Research Paper Example Goal setting is an integral part of a business plan. This helps to have a clear idea of the objectives of the company and assists to formulate its strategies in alignment with the goals set. Following are the goals which would be phased in this business plan. â€Å"The economic structure of an industry is not an accident. Its complexities are the result of long-term social trends and economic forces†(Ehmke, Fulton & Akridge, n.d). The industry analysis will determine the competitive rules and strategies which are required to be formulated by the business. Learning about the industry structure will offer essential insight into the business strategy. Michael Porter has identified five forces which are widely used to evaluate the industry structure. The five forces, together, determine the profit potential of an industry by putting an impact on the costs, prices and necessary investment for a business. Stronger forces are mostly associated with a more challenging environment. The industry analysis identifies and evaluates the significant structural factors for competitive success. In the following section, an industry has been carried out to understand the key factors in solar water heater industry. In the solar water heater industry, there are a large number of suppliers. The organization would establish its production houses in India, where the production cost would be quite low than that in Australia. In this industry, the bargaining power of the suppliers is quite low as the companies do not have to incur any switching cost while changing their suppliers. The concentration of the solar water heater industry is not quite intensive. As a result, suppliers cannot have much power over the manufacturers. The products are mainly made for the rural areas, where the concentration of the buyers is moderate to high. Â
Monday, October 28, 2019
Book Report on “Fathers and Sons†by Ivan Turgenev Essay Example for Free
Book Report on â€Å"Fathers and Sons†by Ivan Turgenev Essay â€Å"Fathers and Sons†is, perhaps, the most interesting book by the Russian writer Ivan Turgenev, which gained international recognition. It has been first published in 1862 and concurred with a complicated period of Russian history, known as the â€Å"Great Reforms†. Abolition of serfdom, reforms of administrational system, industrialization and raise of revolutionary ideas caused profound changes in the Russian society and in the minds of people. Turgenev’s book is devoted t this dramatic mental and psychological break. â€Å"Fathers†are old generation who share conservative views and â€Å"sons†are youth, dreaming of revolution and demonstrating nihilism and disrespect towards traditional values. The narrator of the story – Nikolai Petrovitch Kirsanov, is a son of a general, who has been a hero of Napoleonic wars. His life is rather unremarkable. Being unable to serve in the army because of the childhood trauma, he has married and lived happily with his wife till her early death. After that he devoted all his life to his only son Arcady. The novel opens when the older Kirsanov stands before the door of his dominion waiting for his son returning from the university. Finally the son comes back, but he is not alone, he is accompanied by his new university friend Yevgeny Vasilevich Bazarov. Soon Nikolai Kirsanov finds out, that his son has completely fallen under influence of Bazarov’s nihilistic and realistic views. He dreams of bloody revolutionary changes and disputes with Kirsanov about the future of Russia: Aristocracy, liberalism, progress, principles, said Bazarov. Just think what a lot of foreign . . . and useless words! To a Russian theyre no good for anything! , says he. Further along the novel Bazarov continues to play a role of a â€Å"revolutionary demon†. He is pretty charismatic, so such miserable people as Sitnikov and Kukushkina fall under his influence. Those two are represent a sort of â€Å"progressive thinkers†whose â€Å"progrogressism†comes to be reduced to absurd. They are ready to admire any new nihilistic ideas being completely unable to think of them critically and add any own reasoning to them. Bazarov openly contemns Sitnikov and flirts with Kushkina to allay his boredom. What is really interesting for Bazarov are his disputes with Pavel Petrovitch Kirsanov, older brother of Nikolai Kirsanov They feel antipathy from the very first moment of their acquaintance. Pavel Kirsanov speaks of Bazarov’s nihilism as of an unfounded doctrine existing in vacuum. Bazarov’s manner of thinking is purely utilitarian: We act by virtue of what we recognize as useful, went on Bazarov. At present the most useful thing is denial, so we deny. Pavel strongly disagrees But allow me, began Nikolai Petrovich. You deny everything, or to put it more precisely, you destroy everything . . . But one must construct, too, you know. [33] But Bazarov remains sure, that to construct something it is first necessary to â€Å"Clean the ground†. Perhaps this dispute between Pavel Kirsanov and Bazarov puts forth the basic idea of the book: conflict of conservatism and revolutionary doctrine. In order to iron out the differences between Pavel Kirsanov and Bazarov Arcady tells Bazarov the story of Pavel’s life. Once Pavel was a luminous officer, but love to a woman, duchess R†ruined his life and left him completely drained. Pavel only retained his sophisticated taste, fair manners and Anglomania. Although she is not present in the novel, duchess R†seems to be one of the characters because even after years she continues to determine Pavel’s actions. He asks for satisfaction from Bazarov, when he sees him kissing Fenichka, but the real reason is not Bazarov’s behavior, but that Fenichka somehow reminds Pavel duchess R†. While men in the story are symbols of social classes and positions, women represent something, what can be called â€Å"normal life†, whether it is duchess R†– a symbol of Russian magnificent nobility, Fenichka – a symbol of common sense, or Mme Odintsov. Mme Odintsov is a very special character. On the one hand she is perfectly educated and progressive woman, on the other she does not in any way share Bazarov’s enthusiasm about social cataclysms. She is sure, that society is to be bettered by bettering of human, but not by reconstruction of it’s formation. She asks Bazarov a question which he is unable to directly answer: And you suppose, said Anna Sergeyevna, that when society is reformed there will be no longer any stupid or wicked people? [56] Bazarov starts explaining that a proper society will make no difference, but inside he feels, that Odintsova is right. Love to a woman is so contrary to Bazarov’s views, that he is unable to accept it, putting cynicism on himself, and then leaving her house. He attempts to find some occupation for himself, flirts, fights at a duel and tries to speak about his ideas with peasants. The peasants are in fact those, who are to be enthusiastic about the revolution, at least as Bazarov thinks. So he is unhappily surprised to find out, that peasants do not want to understand complicated teaching and think of him as of a cheat. Bazarov’s ideas collapse: he finds no support both with educated and common people, so he has to recognize, that revolution is actually unnecessary to anyone and that it is nothing more, than a fashionable game. Pavel Kirsanov is right: doctrines of Bazarov exist in vacuum. It is not clear whether Bazarov’s death was a suicide, but his behavior itself is suicidal, and he accepts the certainty of death calmly. The only thing he wants is to say farewell to Odintsova. At his deathbed he openly confessed, that all his prod ideas went down to the pan. He continues to speak of himself as of a giant, but now the only task he puts for himself is to die with dignity. Six month after his death the two couples married: Nikolai Kirsanov to Fenichka and Arcady to Kate – Odintsova younger sister. The normal life continues even after Bazarov’s death, and Arcady, his former confederate, becomes a wealthy landowner, representing an antithesis to Bazarov’s views. Bazarov’s grave is almost forgotten, and only his parents sometimes come to shed tears over it. Although â€Å"Fathers and Sons†is a novel about pre-revolutionary Russia, it’s lesson is useful for all generations. Sons always rise against their fathers, willing to change this world and create a totally new one for themselves. And Turgenev demonstrates how mental dissoluteness and spiritual weakness can destroy even the most sharp-minded person. The whole revolutionary fervor of Bazarov is destroyed by romantic love – the real motivation of the world. At the end of his life â€Å"the demon†feels lost and betrayed, while conservatism triumphs over his grave. Works cited: Ivan Turgenev (1998) Fathers and Sons. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Game Epidemic :: essays research papers
Andrew, Chuck, and Kevin played all night and skipped class the next day. They, along with thousands of others across the country, purchased Halo 2 at midnight the day the much-anticipated game was released in stores. Students and company employees called in sick that next day claiming the Halo 2 flu as their reasoning. Halo 2 is only one of a multitude of games distributed for use on Microsoft’s Xbox, Sony’s Playstation 2, and Nintendo’s Gamecube. American society is experiencing an epidemic as a result of many young people spending hours upon hours playing video games. The National Institute on Media and the Family is one organization founded â€Å"to build healthy families and communities through the wise use of media.†This institute wants to raise awareness of the harmful effects of playing too much. These effects include violence, lack of independent thought, and a false sense of reality.      Founded in 1996 by David Walsh, Ph D, NIMF works to maximize the benefits and minimize the harms of the media. The organization does this through research, education, and advocacy, even though they are a non-partisan, non-profit organization. Its website provides information for parents to use when selecting games for their children and raises awareness about the effects that come with video games. One of these deals with the environment of the games. According to NIMF, â€Å"Game environments are often based on plots of violence, aggression, and gender bias.†Additionally, women are often portrayed as helpless or sexually provocative. The number of hours played under these false settings can often give a false sense of reality. Gamers then have trouble distinguishing between what is real and what is not.      Negative effects exist as a result of the environment and storyline of a video game. According to a study referenced on the NIMF web site, violent video games may translate into aggressive behavior. The child’s imagination is capture, and oftentimes he imagines that he is the character he plays on the game, which is another mesh of fantasy and reality. Questions have also been brought up in regard to children at a very young age being exposed to violent video games. It is true that violent behavior is also linked to abusive parents and siblings. However, video games are set apart from this influence because they are easier to regulate.      Another cause for concern comes from the storyline many video games create.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Fiscal policy Essay
Fiscal policy refers to the government’s choices regarding the overall level of government purchases and taxes. Fiscal policy is undertaken by government to manage, control and manipulate the economic variables in the economy like inflation, unemployment, consumption and so many more. The fiscal operations that has been taken place for the past decade in Ghana In the year 2000, Total revenue and grants amounted to 5,385.0 billion while total expenditure came to 7,524.9 billion. Out of an estimate of 1,319.0 billion, only 574.3 billion actually flowed in. Tax revenue collections exceeded the original projections on account of good performance from direct taxes, indirect and trade taxes. The provisional actual tax revenue yielded 3,731.7 billion as against an estimate of 3,957.3 billion. Provisional figures for 2000 indicate an overall balance of payments deficit of US$194.8 million, compared with an initial projected zero balance. In 2001, Provisional outturn for 2001 indicates that overall fiscal balance was a deficit of 4.4 per cent of GDP. Tax revenues exceeded the budget projections of  ¢6,255.2 billion by  ¢301.7 billion, because of better-than-programmed yield from value added taxes and import duties. Provisional fiscal data show total statutory payments of  ¢5,474.5 billion and discretionary payments of  ¢6,206.3 billion. These are lower than the respective targets of  ¢5,574.8 billion and  ¢7,498.7 billion. In 2003, The receipt of  ¢3,118.8 billion, in total grants including multilateral HIPC relief in 2003 represented a disbursement rate of almost 98percent, the highest in many years. Compositionally, tax revenue exceeded the target of  ¢12,556.3 billion by  ¢205.8 billion. Also, real GDP growth was higher than expected  5.2 per cent against a projected 4.7 per cent. The overall budget deficit was contained at 3.4 per cent of GDP against the targeted 3.3 per cent of GDP. In 2004, Revenue has increased from  ¢4.4 trillion representing 16.3 percent of GDP of  ¢27,150 billion at end of 2000, to an all-time high of  ¢17.4 trillion, equivalent to 21.8 percent of GDP of  ¢79,800 billion at the end of 2004. Total budgeted payments for the 2004 fiscal year were estimated at  ¢24,853.1 billion. The provisional outturn for the period was  ¢28,736.8 billion, consisting of  ¢8,951.6 billion of statutory payments and  ¢19,773.2 billion of discretionary spending representing 31.2 percent and 68.8 percent of the total respectively. In 2005, In all, total receipts made up of Domestic revenue, grants, loans, divestiture receipts and exceptional financing are projected at  ¢35,672.5 billion lower than the budget estimate of  ¢35,801.3 billion by  ¢128.8 billion for the year. Total payments for the 2005 fiscal year was budgeted at  ¢35,801.3 billion. This was made up of statutory payments of  ¢ 12,240.4 billion and discretionary payments of  ¢ 23,560.9 billion. Given the expected receipts and payments in 2005, the overall budget balance is projected to record a deficit of 2.4 per cent of GDP, compared to the budget estimate of 2.2 per cent of GDP. In 2006, an overall budget deficit of 4.5 per cent of GDP as result of expenditure exceeding total receipts amounted to  ¢41,357.1 billion as against total statutory payments of  ¢13,006.5 billion. In 2008, the overall budget deficit excluding divestiture hit a high of GH ¢2,557.6 million, equivalent to 14.9 of GDP. As against a total receipts, comprising domestic revenue, grants and other receipts amounted to GH ¢9,538.2 million, equivalent to 55.4 per cent of GDP. And total payments for 2008, comprising discretionary and statutory payments, amounted to GH ¢9,538.2 million, significantly higher than the budget estimate of GH ¢7,107.2 million. In 2009, total revenue and grants are projected at GH ¢7.2 billion, also indicating a drop of 3.5% below the original budget estimate. The projected outturn for the year is GH ¢8.7 billion, showing 13.8%drop in spending. The overall budget deficit for 2009 is estimated at GH ¢2.2 billion, equivalent to 10.2% of GDP. In 2010, based on the projected revenue and expenditure for the year 2010 the overall budget balance, showed a deficit of GH ¢2,214.3 million, equivalent to 9.7 percent of GDP. As against Conclusion The above measures that have been put in place by the government to ensure stability and growth in the economy simply define the fiscal operations that have taken place for the past decade. It is quite obvious to come to conclusion that for that past decade we have being struggling to stabilize our economy as the budget deficit for each year increases significantly for almost a decade now.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Kindergarten-Full Day Versus Half Day Essay
The sky is the limit for children. The benefits of children attending full day kindergarten are far greater than those children that attend half day. Some parents and educators disagree; they say that children should not be forced into their educational career so young. Whether for or against full-day kindergarten, the common goal for all parents is the well being for each individual child. Every child has different needs and capabilities. Parents have to make an informed decision on full day or half day kindergarten. That decision can be a difficult one. Ultimately that decision is the starting point for the next twelve or more years of education for these young children. Connecticut does not have a law mandating all towns have full day kindergarten. The budget process has to make full day kindergarten a priority. The curriculum for kindergarten is limited during half day sessions for children. Because of the time limitations during half day, these children are getting significant amounts of homework to bring home. Before and aftercare is needed due to the short school day for the half day kindergartners, causing parents to pay for childcare. The most important point is that children’s cognitive learning is so crucial at age five. They can absorb so much information at a kindergarten level. Taking advantage of that will give them the best opportunities for the educational career and give them a head start. Kindergarten was originated in 1837 (Burkam 3). Children develop their mental, social, and emotional faculties through play, music, movement, interaction with the outdoors, and opportunities to engage in independent and creative pursuits (Burkam 3). The goal of kindergarten is to prepare children for first grade academics (Burkam 5). Children show great resilience so can therefore adapt to any formal routine, especially education. We must constructively use this critical stage in their lives to have them absorb all the information they can. Most towns in eastern Connecticut have full day kindergarten except Montville. There is no set standard in Connecticut law for all towns to have at least one full-day kindergarten. East Lyme, Niantic, Norwich, Waterford, Ledyard, and Groton have already established a full day program for kindergarten. Montville being the only town in the surrounding area that does not have a full day option available makes it very difficult to those parents in that town to make arrangements for care of their children. Planning a town budget for full day kindergarten is not as complicated as it may seem. Child care is financed primarily by families, who are estimated to be paying between $40 and $50 billion annually (Mitchell 8). Only a small percentage of those funds being spent could be used for funding all schools with full day kindergarten programs. Demonstrating better ways to increase and combine local, state, public and private sources to finance all types of programs so that they can meet higher standards and that all families can afford kindergarten and preschool education (Mitchell 12). Some educators say the biggest obstacle is hiring teachers. They would need twice the amount already staffed. Splitting up the groups of half day classes and teachers could be a solution to that issue. There would not need to be any additional teachers hired in that case. There is so much for children to learn at the age of five. A full day of learning, social interaction, and play is so beneficial. Research comparing half-day and full-day kindergarten shows those children benefit from a developmentally appropriate, full-day program, most notably in terms of early academic achievementâ€â€a foundation for school and life success (Villegas 1). Full-day kindergarten can afford children the academic learning time needed to prepare for mastery of primary-grade reading and math skills (Villegas 1) In particular, the weight of evidence shows that full-day kindergarten benefits children in these ways: contributes to increased school readiness, children that are adapted to full day kindergarten are already prepared for the transition into regular grade level schooling, most importantly, they understand rules and behavior, which leads to a higher academic achievement. Standardized tests and classroom grades find that full day students achieve higher and improve student attendance. There is better attendance in full-day kindergarten due to the parents understanding that there is so much more information and teaching provided during a longer day and does not want their child to miss, supporting a childs literacy and language development has long lasting effects that are greater in children that attend full day kindergarten (Villegas 2). One study showed higher reading achievement persisting through third grade and in some cases even seventh grade (Villegas 1). Enrolling a child in full-day kindergarten benefits them socially and emotionally. Full day gives children a balance of structured play and self play. Being with classmates for more hours in a classroom forces them to build positive relationships. Those relationships last sometimes all the way through twelfth grade. Decreases costs by reducing retention and remediation rates (Villegas 1, 2). One study, which found full day students to be more than twice as likely to remain on grade through third grade, showed that this academic benefit helped to offset 19 percent of the first year’s cost of extending the kindergarten day (Villegas 2). For those children in half-day kindergarten, they need to have before and after care in some families, especially when both parents work full time. If there were full day kindergarten, it would eliminate some of that cost of after care. Due to these children needing to go to multiple places throughout the day for care and schooling becomes the issue of transportation. During a parents work day, that child could be bused to as much as three different locations just for child care. Parents prefer longer kindergarten programs because children have to make fewer transitions within a day and they believe their children will be better prepared for first grade (Mitchell 5). Day care programs are valuable, but do not have the curriculum and equal age structure that kindergarten does. Proponents of full-day kindergarten believe that children, as a result of their various childcare and preschool experiences, are ready for more demanding and cognitively oriented educational programs (Burkam 6). Having group play with children ages 0-5 is not beneficial educationally. Children at age five are at an important learning stage in their lives. The more education they can receive in kindergarten the better prepared for school they will be. Full-day advocates suggest several advantages for the longer kindergarten day: it allows teachers more opportunity to assess children’s educational needs and individualize instruction, it makes small-group learning experiences more feasible, it engages children in a broader range of learning experiences, it provides opportunities for in-depth exploration of curriculum, it provides opportunities for closer teacher-parent relationships, it benefits working parents who may need a longer school day (Burkam 6). Reading, math, science are subjects that are the beginning fundamentals in learning Researchers found that children who attended full-day kindergarten scored higher on reading comprehension and mathematics concepts and applications (Burkam 9). Having more hours in a school day allows teachers to take a more one on one approach for the children to really delve deep into counting, the alphabet, writing, speaking, and so forth. The foundation of learning stems from kindergarten. Cognitive development is the most important issue with having children in a full-day kindergarten program. Kindergarten is more than play and social interaction with peers, this time must be used to take full advantage of a child’s potential in learning. Education should be the first priority and focus in a child’s life. The bigger picture is laying the groundwork for children’s educational experience. The younger the child the more prepared they will be for the future and the most successful in life.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
A Play Topaz by Marcel Pagnol
A Play Topaz by Marcel Pagnol It is difficult for an honest man to live in a corrupt world. This is the premise of Marcel Pagnol’s play entitled Topaze. An honest man in a corrupt world is like a fish out of water. In the said play the protagonist adhered to a set of values that are alien to the people that have adapted to a belief system that was rooted in corruption (Pagnol 10). Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Play Topaz by Marcel Pagnol specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More If this is the case, then, the future looks bleak for those who aspire to follow the right path. It is therefore important to answer the query with regards to the difficulty of living in a corrupt world. However, a closer reading of the play will reveal that Pagnol did not write about the difficulty of living in a corrupt world, instead, he focused on the difficulty of attaining success. An honest man is an alien in a corrupt world. He possesses values that are counter -intuitive to a corrupt man. This can be seen in the early part of the story wherein the reader is cautioned about the foolishness of seeking after immoral gain (Pagnol 9). In the case of the protagonist named Topaze, he was naive enough to believe that the world he lived in shared his values (Popkin 164). His name symbolizes a precious stone in the midst of useless decaying matter. Corruption in its basic form means something is unable to survive till the end. A piece of meat left in open air cannot see the end of the week because the decomposing flesh is consumed by elements of decay. A precious stone on the other hand is precious not only because of its beauty but its staying power. Thus, a corrupt man may enjoy the trappings of wealth but unable to enjoy the true meaning of life. The rich man in the play wore beautiful clothes but endures the pain of a broken family (Pagnol 15). The wife of the wealthy patriarch possesses all the fine things that money can buy but goes home to an empty house because her husband spends the majority of his time with his mistress. The author said that it is better to suffer evil rather than to enjoy the fruits of immoral actions (Pagnol 9). An honest man may not be able to afford gold and diamonds but he can go home to a family that loves him. He can enjoy life with a wife that treats him with respect. In addition, an honest man can produce children that treat him with respect. Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There is one thing that can be expected in the life of a corrupt man and that is to replicate the same manner of thinking through his children (Pagnol 10) Consider for instance the way the son of the rich man tried to manipulate the system as he desired to achieve academic excellence without putting in real effort in his studies (Pagnol 11). Going back to the query regarding honesty, one can argue that an honest man can live in a corrupt world. However, it is difficult to attain success. Topaze can survive in a corrupted world, but he found out that it is impossible to succeed (Pagnol 139). There is a big difference between the idea of survival and success. Survival means the ability to live in a society with just the bare essentials. It is living in constant worry that there may not be enough food for the family. It is a life without assurance of permanent shelter and access to healthcare. This is illustrated through the transformation of Topaze from a poor teacher to a man of wealth and power (Pagnol 135). A successful person on the other goes beyond survival. He and his family enjoy privileges that are inaccessible to other people Success is understood as the accumulation of wealth and everything that goes with it. Success is the capability to provide comfort for the family. Success means the assurance of access to solutions for almost every conceivable need. This was illustrat ed by the evidence of accumulated wealth when Topaze displayed the fruits of his labor like an office with all the trappings of power and titles that speak about his status in the community (Pagnol 183). Nevertheless, Topaze’s life was also an example of the price that has to be paid in terms of exchanging a happy and peaceful life with one that is full of stress and inner turmoil (Pagnol 141). A successful person provides all these things. But a poor man does not have access to resources that enables him to attain success. As a result there is great temptation to bend the rules and sometimes to break them in order to accumulate wealth that leads to success. At the end Topaze succumbed to the temptation because he could not resist not only the charm of wealth but the beauty of women (Pagnol 183). In the end Topaze was not only seduced by wealth but also by the charms of a seductress (Pagnol 183). Thus, it can be said that an honest man can live in a corrupt world but it woul d be very difficult for him to find success.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Play Topaz by Marcel Pagnol specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion The play entitled Topaze seems to argue that an honest man cannot live in a corrupt world. But a closer reading of the play will reveal that an honest man can live in a corrupt world but will find it difficult to attain success. The difficulty lies in his decision not to violate the principles instilled in his mind and heart. Although an honest man may not find success, he can survive in a corrupt world. Nevertheless, he may find it extremely difficult to remain honest for long. Pagnol, Marcel. Topaze. Paris: Aux Grandes, 1930. Print. Popkin, Debra. Modern French Literature. MI: Ungar Press, 1977. Print.
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Correctly Use German Adverb Auch
How to Correctly Use German Adverb Auch Sometimes the littlest words can have a big meaning. Take the German adverb auch. In its simplest form, this word means also. But it also (get it?) holds greater significance. Auch can mean even. It can also be a modal particle and imply anything from I hope to Youre sure. Heres a closer look at the power behind this common, little adverb. When Auch Is Accentuated This type of auch relates to the subject of the sentence and will usually be in front of a verbal group. Its meaning is also. For example: Mein Sohn will jetzt auch Klavier studieren. My son now also wants to study piano. Meine Oma isst gerne Bockwurst und auch Bratwurst.My grandmother likes to eat Bockwurst and Bratwurst, as well. When Auch Is Not Accentuated This type of auch bears directly upon the elements of phrase that follow it. It usually means even. For example: Auch fà ¼r einen fleißigen Schà ¼ler, war dies eine große Hausaufgabe.Even for a hard working student, this was a lot of homework. ï » ¿Ihr kann auch kein Arzt helfen.Not even a doctor can help her. Take note that in the above sentences, the unaccented auch draws attention toward an accented word: fleißigen or Arzt, respectively. Auch Can Express Mood An unaccented auch can also be used to indicate the mood of the speaker. In such cases, you will find auch to help underline the speaker’s irritation or reassurance. For example: Du kannst auch nie still sein!You can never be still, can you? Hast du deine Brieftasche auch nicht vergessen?I hope you didn’t forget your wallet. Context Is Everything Consider the following two dialogues and the meaning implied by the context. Sprecher 1: Die Freunde deines Sohnes kà ¶nnen gut schwimmen. / Your son’s friends can swim really well. Sprecher 2: Mein Sohn ist auch ein guter Schwimmer. / My son is also a good swimmer.Sprecher 1: Mein Sohn treibt gerne Basketball und Fußball. Er ist auch ein guter Schwimmer. / My son loves playing basketball and soccer. He is also a good swimmer. Sprecher 2: Ihr Sohn ist sehr sportlich. / Your son is very athletic. As you can see, in both dialogues, the phrases with auch are practically the same, yet a different meaning is implied. Tone and context mean everything. In the first case, auch is accented and serves the subject of the sentence: Sohn. In the second case, auch is unaccented and the emphasis is in on guter Schwimmer, implying that the son is, among other things, also good at swimming.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Blackwater Draw - 12,000 Years of Hunting in New Mexico
Blackwater Draw - 12,000 Years of Hunting in New Mexico Blackwater Draw is an important archaeological site associated with the Clovis period, people who hunted mammoths and other large mammals in the North American continent between 12,500–12,900 calendar years ago (cal BP). When Blackwater Draw was first inhabited, a small spring-fed lake or marsh near what is now Portales, New Mexico was populated with extinct forms of elephant, wolf, bison, and horse, and the people who hunted them. Generations of many of the earliest occupants of the New World lived at Blackwater Draw, creating a layer cake of human settlement debris including Clovis (radiocarbon dated between 11,600–11,000 [RCYBP]), Folsom (10,800–10,000 years BP), Portales (9,800–8,000 RCYBP), and Archaic (7,000–5,000 RCYBP) period occupations. History of Blackwater Draw Excavations Evidence of the earliest occupation at what was to be known as the Blackwater Draw site was sent to the Smithsonian Institution in 1929, but full-scale excavation didnt happen until 1932 after the New Mexico roads department began quarrying in the neighborhood. Edgar B. Howard of the University of Pennsylvania Museum conducted the first excavations there between 1932–33, but he was hardly the last. Since then, excavators have included many of the best archaeologists in the New World. John L. Cotter, E. H. Sellards and Glen Evans, A.E. Dittert and Fred Wendorf, Arthur Jelinek, James Hester, and Jerry Harbour, Vance Haynes, William King, Jack Cunningham, and George Agogino all worked at Blackwater Draw, sometimes ahead of the sporadic gravel mining operations, sometimes not. Finally, in 1978, the site was bought by Eastern New Mexico University, who operate a small onsite facility and the Blackwater Draw museum, and to this day conduct archaeological investigations. Visiting Blackwater Draw Visiting the site is an experience not to be missed. In the intervening millennia since the prehistoric occupations of the site, the climate has dried out, and the remnants of the site now lie 15 feet and more below the modern surface. You enter the site from the east and wander down along a self-guided path into the depths of the former quarry operations. A large windowed shed protects the past and current excavations; and a smaller shed protects a Clovis-period hand-dug well, one of the earliest water control systems in the New World; and one of at least 20 total wells on-site, mostly dated to the American Archaic. The Blackwater Draw Museum website at Eastern New Mexico University has one of the best public programs describing any archaeological site. Go see their Blackwater Draw website for more information and pictures of one of the most important Paleoindian archaeological sites in the Americas. Selected Sources Andrews, Brian N., Jason M. Labelle, and John D. Seebach. Spatial Variability in the Folsom Archaeological Record: A Multi-Scalar Approach. American Antiquity 73.3 (2008): 464–90. Print.Boldurian, Anthony T. Clovis Type-Site, Blackwater Draw, New Mexico: A History, 1929–2009. North American Archaeologist 29.1 (2008): 65–89. Print.Buchanan, Briggs. An Analysis of Folsom Projectile Point Resharpening Using Quantitative Comparisons of Form and Allometry. Journal of Archaeological Science 33.2 (2006): 185–99. Print.Grayson, Donald K., and David J. Meltzer. Revisiting Paleoindian Exploitation of Extinct North American Mammals. Journal of Archaeological Science 56 (2015): 177–93. Print.Haynes, C. Vance and James M. Warnica. Geology, Archaeology, and Climate Change in Blackwater Draw, New Mexico: F. Earl Green and the Geoarchaeology of the Clovis Type Site. Eastern New Mexico Contributions in Anthropology 15, 2012Seebach, John D. Stratigraphy and Bonebe d Taphonomy at Blackwater Draw Locality No. 1 During the Middle Holocene (Altithermal). Plains Anthropologist 47.183 (2002): 339–58. Print.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Support of Smoking Bans in ALL Public Places Essay
The Support of Smoking Bans in ALL Public Places - Essay Example This report approves that while there have been more restrictions places on cigarette advertisements in recent years, by using product placement in films, tobacco companies can still subtly promote their wares to the public, many of whom are children. The depiction of smoking or the presence of tobacco products needs to be eliminated from any media outlet that is designed to reach children and young adults. Smoking is a global phenomenon. Humans have been consuming tobacco smoke for millennia. But in a modern society where the health risks and negative social consequences of smoking are more, smoking has no place in the public lives of our citizens. Smoking should be banned from all public places. This essay makes a conclusion that smoking should be banned from public places because it is addictive. By allowing smoking in public, our society is implicitly stating that smoking is really acceptable, or that it is a matter of personal choice. By banning smoking from public, our society will state that smoking is something that should not be done in a public place because of the damage it inflicts on our society and the health of individuals. A full ban on smoking in all places is necessary, not a partial or piecemeal ban. The health of workers in all public places needs to be protected. It would not be fair to force some workers to work in environments where second hand smoke is present, while protecting other workers from this same risk. The law must be uniform to ensure the health and safety of all workers and patrons alike.
EasyBuys' Mobile On-line Shopping Project Essay
EasyBuys' Mobile On-line Shopping Project - Essay Example However, no one in the company, IT department included, is familiar with the mobile application and the different platforms of mobile. Due to these facts, this report will help the EasyBuys’ management and the IT department as a guide through the MOSA project. EasyBuys’ management should pay keen attention on the agile approaches as will be illustrated in this report, which aims to analyze the approaches of agile, their strengths and weaknesses and recommendation for adoption. Agile approaches have emerged so as the changes needed for development may be adopted quickly and with ease. This is in contrary to the non agile approaches which are plan driven and traditional. The main idea behind the agile approaches is to release early the working software via responding quickly to the alterations in specifications through the use of code refactoring, collaborative techniques, customer involvement, and test driven development. There are various agile approaches that can be us ed by companies such as the EasyBuys, however the focus is the same as they all emphasize on efficiency and effectiveness, and therefore in this report, we will put emphasis on the Scrum agile approach (Glass, 2001). Scrum is a business oriented framework used for managing development of software process. This agile approach was created by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Scwaber. It is an iterative, incremental that uses using rolling wave planning in order to determine, identify and prioritize project requirements. The team, such as the IT department for this report, works on the requirements in a prioritized manner in order to deliver feature of the highest value as possible. Some of the areas that the Scrum approach puts emphasis during implementation include: customer collaboration when doing business, individual interactions when using tools and processes in the project, response to change over the abrupt need by the market, and the working software for reasons of comprehensive documen tation (Fowler, 2000). The Scrum agile approach has defined principles and values that the practitioners, the IT department, will have to follow during its implementation as a guide. The Scrum agile approach has various strengths and reasons that lead to great demand by other companies, EasyBuys’ management, included. Some of the strengths that the management are likely to derive from the agile approach include: better management of priorities of change, better business IT alignment, high acceleration of time to market, enhances quality of software, and increasing company productivity. These strengths give the Scrum agile approach an upper hand for adoption and implementation in the company. The approach however demands that, for successful implementation, the project for which the agile approach is being adopted must be planned and defined, executed as detailed in the plan, and the management of the project must monitor and control the results (Highsmith, 2000). For instance , during the adoption of this Scrum agile approach, the EasyBuys’ management and the IT department will, from the outset of the project, work closely with their customers in order to understand the vision for the project, how the newly updated systems will be used, and how the projects support the goals of the business. In addition, this agile approach demands that
Friday, October 18, 2019
MGT422 Answer Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
MGT422 Answer Questions - Assignment Example Also the release of prisoner number 8612 after he was deemed to have crazed, shows the stressful life of inmates and depression levels. Considering this was just an experiment and he was to be released after one and half days, the critically one can tell the level or amount of agony in the long run. First, stripping by prisoners, which is mostly by force or without the prisoner’s consent or option, is degrading and a violation to that extent. Despite the fact that the prisoner is on the wrong side of the law, stripping may cause untold trauma as everyone deserves privacy and psychologically this may bring other issues like strong revolt and defiance by the prisoner, all in violation of freedom or rights at the start. Delousing and shaving of the heads of the prisoners, as it is put by the guards or from the societal conception, inflicts much internal suffering to the prisoner or the military as they are viewed as dirty, and from the prisoner’s point of view, psychologic ally creates fear as he/she tries to figure out the place he is about to be incubated. Push-ups were aversive forms of punishment at first but this changed with time which shows the adaptation character of humans to a life without a choice. That is, at first they were punishment but since the prisoners did not have a choice, and violation or redress was followed by tougher punishments, they were forced to adapt to the push-up as they were done by everyone and doing them, averted one from extra punishments. Personally, if I were a prisoner, life could have been worse for me especially on the issue of confinement and minimal sensory stimulation. I would be stressed and disoriented and I think I could be the first prisoner to be released of crazing. Personally, I would have rejected the offers to show the prisoner solidarity since from the slides we see some prisoner taking long to adapt to the prison life, justified by the fact that we are not the same, and by rejecting the offers, I will save the â€Å"slow adapters†agony of further torture since the guards will perceive them as notorious or showing some revolt. Misperception of the guards being â€Å"bigger†than the prisoners is always there but here we are dealing with two different cases, the first of prisoners without rights and freedoms and that of the guards who had power and authority to even to torture them. The misperception is always based on the power, privileges and authority involved as body size may not necessarily matter. Their behavior was more controlled and channeled to an intended goal of finishing the study unlike on the case of civilian and police encounters. For instance, in the latter, the civilians show much revolt during arrest as they are not aware on the kind of suffering and conditions of these cubicles and also the fact that they don’t know how long they can take in there after conviction, tends to necessitate revolt from the start. To minimize bias in the stu dy, the choice of variables should be independent and non-discriminatory in that our case where the principle investigator assumed the role of a superintendent, he could control the simulation of the study to meet his personal expectations and also the choice of students as prisoners and guards, would affect the authenticity and independence of simulation as the relationships were more friendly
Capital Punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Capital Punishment - Essay Example It is very clear from the arguments mentioned above regarding the violation of human rights that capital punishment is in fact a cruel way to punish a criminal. Deterrence is one of the most common arguments which are used to justify capital punishment. The question that lies in this argument is whether capital punishment has been successful in creating deterrence and has lowered the crime rate. According to these statistics five countries with highest criminal killing rate are Jamaica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Trinidad Tobago and Lesotho, these countries do have a legal system of capital punishment and even then the homicide rate in these countries is 46.6 murders per 100,000 people while on the other hand five countries that have abolished death-penalty and have highest average homicide rate of 41.3 murders per 100,00 people include Honduras, Venezuela, Columbia, South Africa and Ecuador (O'Leary, 2011). These statistics show that capital punishment has failed in its purpose of creating deterrence as countries with capital punishment have higher homicide rates. Further to prove the failure of capital punishment as a deterrent is what a lieu tenant in Kansas had to say about this subject, â€Å"I have never heard a murderer say they thought about death penalty as consequence of their actions prior to committing their crime†(Ruff). When shed light on the topic of capital punishment and deterrence it can be seen very clearly that it has failed to create deterrence and lower crime rate. ... The question that lies in this argument is whether capital punishment has been successful in creating deterrence and has lowered the crime rate. According to these statistics five countries with highest criminal killing rate are Jamaica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Trinidad Tobago and Lesotho, these countries do have a legal system of capital punishment and even then the homicide rate in these countries is 46.6 murders per 100,000 people while on the other hand five countries that have abolished death-penalty and have highest average homicide rate of 41.3 murders per 100,00 people include Honduras, Venezuela, Columbia, South Africa and Ecuador (O'Leary, 2011). These statistics show that capital punishment has failed in its purpose of creating deterrence as countries with capital punishment have higher homicide rates. Further to prove the failure of capital punishment as a deterrent is what a lieutenant in Kansas had to say about this subject, â€Å"I have never heard a murderer say they thought about death penalty as consequence of their actions prior to committing their crime†(Ruff). When shed light on the topic of capital punishment and deterrence it can be seen very clearly that it has failed to create deterrence and lower crime rate. Looking at the increasing homicide rates one can wonder if death penalty is not a good solution then what else would provide justice to a person who’s closed one has been killed or justice for the person you cold bloodedly killed that person. Well to look closely at the whole process of punishment there are many other ways that would serve as a better punishment than capital punishment. Life in prison without parole will have to be a suitable punishment for capital crimes as it will make the criminal realize that he or
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes - Assignment Example The dictatorial tendencies, poor rapport in the various levels of management and mistrust from the workforce constitute the confounding issues the faces the implementations of the total management program. The paper utilizes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as a management tool in order to analyze the case study effectively VC Brakes faced numerous issues emanating from its autocratic culture that dominated the firm’s operations (Cespedes and Yong, 2013, Pg. 2). In addition, VC Brakes had a reputation of poor top- down managerial skills and lack of trust from the production to the professional workforce who felt that the firm was unresponsive to their queries. The introduction of total quality management program by Crossroads Corporation was intended to improve the product quality, management practices and more so, to develop a consistent operational strategy that would be utilized across all sectors in the various subsidiaries found under VC Brakes.Questio n 1The major situation that faced Ryan involved the implementation of total quality management program that would raise the ailing quality productivity at VC Brakes. The autocratic culture evident in VC Brakes is depicted in various situations in the case study of instance, the emphatic condensation of the training sessions. (Cespedes and Yong, 2013, Pg. 6). The notion would have amassed numerous achievements if it had gone through the initially specified time since it could have provided ample time.
Employability in a Knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Employability in a Knowledge - Essay Example Now a days education is not only looked upon a very fulfilling profession but has also become very competitive and lucrative. Given my abilities and interest areas, I feel that I possess all the pre requisites that are considered essential to succeed in this line. I have always been passionate about teaching and interacting with children comes naturally to me. Through this noble profession I will not be making a living but also doing something for the society as a whole. In my own small way I will be responsible for shaping the future of the nation. This thought is one of the major driving forces for my passion towards teaching. Also I , as an individual, has this thirst for continuous learning and development thereby broadening my horizon and enhancing my knowledge. I feel that this profession would fulfill this need of mine as one of the major demands of teaching as a profession is to continuously upgrade your knowledge and to be in synch with the changes and developments happening at around you. There is a need to constantly keep yourself updated and enhance your skills and knowledge if you have to succeed in the line of education. In order to succeed in a career of ones choice is it absolutely critical to understand how one can stay employable irrespective of the economic scenario and labor market conditions. ... a profession , one only needs to have the requisite qualification and skills that are required to fulfill the demands and the requirements of the concerned job. This definition is incomplete because it does not take into consideration the relationship between employability and the prevalent economic scenario. The economic situation of any country tends to have a significant impact on the labor markets thereby affecting the employability of people. It is a true case of demand and supply. During times of labor shortages, even the unemployed will be able to get decent jobs and when there are shortages of jobs, the highly employable people also might find themselves without any job. Secondly employability of an individual does not only depend on his qualifications but also how competent he is as compared with others who are applying for similar positions.These two important dimensions are not acknowledged in the definition provided by Hillage and Pollard. Drawing from the above argument the definition of employability given by Brown et al is more comprehensive and takes into account all factors that have a significant impact on this concept of as well as highlighting those aspects which graduates must consider to ensure the success of their professional careers. Firstly according to Brown at al employability is not only dependent on individual characteristics rather it possesses two dimensions namely absolute and relative. Therefore employability among graduates not only is a function of skills and qualifications but also depends on the capability of an individual to find and maintain different kinds of employments.The second important concept of employability as defined by Philips Brown is with respect to positional competition. He is of the opinion that employability
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes - Assignment Example The dictatorial tendencies, poor rapport in the various levels of management and mistrust from the workforce constitute the confounding issues the faces the implementations of the total management program. The paper utilizes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as a management tool in order to analyze the case study effectively VC Brakes faced numerous issues emanating from its autocratic culture that dominated the firm’s operations (Cespedes and Yong, 2013, Pg. 2). In addition, VC Brakes had a reputation of poor top- down managerial skills and lack of trust from the production to the professional workforce who felt that the firm was unresponsive to their queries. The introduction of total quality management program by Crossroads Corporation was intended to improve the product quality, management practices and more so, to develop a consistent operational strategy that would be utilized across all sectors in the various subsidiaries found under VC Brakes.Questio n 1The major situation that faced Ryan involved the implementation of total quality management program that would raise the ailing quality productivity at VC Brakes. The autocratic culture evident in VC Brakes is depicted in various situations in the case study of instance, the emphatic condensation of the training sessions. (Cespedes and Yong, 2013, Pg. 6). The notion would have amassed numerous achievements if it had gone through the initially specified time since it could have provided ample time.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Effects the Media has on Child development Research Paper
Effects the Media has on Child development - Research Paper Example From the first appearance of television sets in living rooms in the 20th Century, there has been a concern on their impact on the viewers, particularly the children. Recent years has seen this concern extended to electronic media including computers. The fact that children spend seven hours per day on average in media such as televisions, computers and other electronic devices, as noted by the American Academy of Pediatrics, AAP indicates the important role that the media plays in shaping development in children. Kirkorian et al. (39) observe content as the most crucial determining factor in evaluating how media affects development in children. Therefore, depending on the content in the media under focus, the effect on child development could either be positive or negative. Media play an important role in language acquisition. As observed by Kirkorian (40), children who watched Sesame Street, a preschooler educational program, learnt vocabulary, identification of numbers and letters and concepts including shapes and colors. Television viewing has in particular been noted to impart language learning especially if the programs include on-screen characters talking to children. Children to whom English is not their first language could take advantage of this opportunity to learn the language as they watch English programs. Media has been credited with designing programs that aim at communicating social or academic skills which help children in learning the intended lessons. Programs dealing with diverse literacy in children including science, mathematics and social skills promote learning in children. Kirkorian et al. (46) observe that Blue Clues, a television program focused on cognitive and social problem-solving skills among preschoolers, caused children to be more systematic and successful in problem solutions. The Canadian Pediatric Society (303) also sites Sesame Street as an example of a television program that teaches children important social aspects such as cooperation, kindness, racial harmony and the alphabet. Such programs stimulate children to visit libraries, museums and bookstores among other active recreational places that impart positive learning. This could also be said of Internet websites that have curricula to prepare preschoolers for schooling. In fact, various software programs have been produced to this effect and the impact has been positive. Therefore, educational media improve on educational achievement of children. Critics argue against media as negatively impacting on the development of cognitive skills in children. This argument mainly revolves around attention development. According to Sigman (102), the frequent switch in content and scenes disrupt the ability of children to sustain attention. Additionally, early exposure to non-educational entertainment and violent media programs has been positively associated with attention problems. Kirkorian et al. (45) give an example of a study that compared the effect of a pro-social program, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood and violent cartoon, Batman. The findings support the correlation between the content of media programs and attention skills in the children being studied. The children exposed to violent cartoons showed decreased self-regulation whereas those exposed to the pro-social program exhibited tolerance of delay, rule obedience and task persistence. It would be important to appreciate that the two programs not only
Monday, October 14, 2019
How dependent are Americans on foreign oil Essay Example for Free
How dependent are Americans on foreign oil Essay 1.0 Introduction â€Å"We have a serious problem. America is addicted to oil.†George Bush made this assertion in his 2006 State of the Union address. By 2025 the United States will increase its daily consumption of oil to 28.3 million barrels per day. These estimates by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) show that by then, the US will depend on foreign countries for 70% of its oil needs. The United States of America (USA) depends on foreign nations for 66% of the oil it consumes. According to the EIA, currently the US consumes almost 21 million barrels of oil a day. Unfortunately, this amount of oil is not produced locally so the US has to depend on foreign nations for its consumption of oil. The dependence on oil by the US has a number of effects which include: impact on the nation’s economy; determines US foreign policy; shapes national security; and influences the relationship between the US and other nations (Ebe 2). The aforementioned effect which dependence on foreign oil has caused creates problems for the US. One of the major problems is the fact that the US is dependent on other nations for its energy supplies. Since the US is dependent on these nations for oil, the events in these oil producing nations determine to a large extent, what happens in the US. There is need for the US to resolve this energy situation, because dependence on other nations for oil rids the US of its sovereignty as an independent nation. 1.1 Statement of problem Oil is a very useful resource as it used by many industries. Many industrialized nations of the world, like the US, need large amounts of oil to keep their economies going. Over time, the US has become dependent on foreign nations for its oil needs- while local oil production has plummeted, demand is on the rise. Since the US is so dependent on foreign oil, what are the implications of this dependence? 1.2 Dependence on foreign oil: an effects analysis The dependence on foreign oil by the US has a lot of implications. The effect of this situation makes an impact on the economy, foreign policy, national security and international relations. These four perspectives are explored in further detail below. Effects on the US economy. Dependence on foreign oil supplies has had a profound effect on the US economy. One major evidence of this fact is the constant fluctuation of prices of gas due to changes in prices of oil. In other words, once the price of oil changes, then the price of gas in the US shifts accordingly. This has a profound effect on companies and other businesses that use gas. In the past year, oil prices have soared due to a number of factors in the world. Once these prices climb, it means that the consumer in the US has to pay more for goods and services that are related in one way or other to oil. Changes in the prices of oil in the world create shocks which are felt when prices of goods and services increase. However, the US economy would not have had to deal with these shocks if there wasn’t a high dependence on foreign oil. Furthermore, the constant increase in the price of crude oil in global markets leads to the transfer of huge amounts of money to other cou ntries in foreign trade. US foreign policy. Concerns about US dependence on oil have had an influence on its foreign policy. Various governments are aware of US dependence on foreign oil and have taken moves to protect the integrity of the US. Most people around the world believe that the US meddles in the affairs of other countries especially those in the Middle East because of the oil reserves in these places. If there is instability in the Middle East, it will drastically affect the supply of oil to the US. Thus, in order to protect it’s and ensure the constant flow of foreign oil (upon which the US is dependent), the US government takes measures to ensure peace and rule of law in these places. Haley (9-10) echoes the voice of critics who contend that the U is keen on maintaining stability in the Middle East because of the implication which crisis will cause the US since it relies so heavily on foreign oil. This is evident in the Gulf war and the recent invasion of Iraq. These actions by the US hav e created hatred in the hearts of people in the Middle East towards the US. Impact on national security. The dependence on foreign oil by the US has an impact on its national security as well. It can be argued that the dependence on foreign oil by the US has led it get involved in the affairs of other nations of the world. For example, the Middle East is a region which the US does not ignore and it is in this region that the largest reserves of crude oil abound. The US cannot afford to ignore this region because it needs the oil that is produced from these areas. Sadly, many of these countries are places where there is a lot of unrest and oppressive governments and the US gets a share of violent attacks because it relates with these nations. This situation has brewed hatred in the hearts of many and motivated attacks against the US both home and abroad. With the terror attacks on September 11 2001, the US is aware of the threat to national security and the lives of its citizens at home and abroad. Terrorist groups are aware that oil is the centre of the US e conomy and when they target this sector, they will inadvertently cripple the US economy and bring it to her knees. Relations with other nations. The relationship between the US and other nations is also affected to some extent by the dependence on foreign oil by the US. Apart from the US, other countries in the world have vested interests in oil because they too depend to a large extent on oil. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and other â€Å"iron curtain†countries, China has risen as an industrial giant. These industries are largely fuelled by oil and in order to achieve its aim and remain in the lead, China has improved relations with many oil producing countries and opposes restrictions imposed on these places by the US at the United Nations general assembly. These relationships between the US and other nations are founded upon dependence on oil. The dependence on foreign oil by the US has led to complex relationships between the US and other nations. At close observation, the root cause of these relationships is often not noticeable, but exploring deeper brings out the dependence on oil by the US. On the other hand it is important to look at this issue in another perspective. Most of the countries which produce oil are undemocratic. Infact, some of them have oppressive rulers and since the US depends on foreign oil, these governments become prominent. The fact that they are producers of oil propels them to lime light because the US needs this foreign oil so badly. 1.3 Relevant statistics Certain statistics are important in order to understand the dependence on foreign oil by the US. There was a time in the past when the US was the world’s largest producer of crude oil. But all that has changed now. According to the EIA, Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest exporter of crude oil and will remain so for a while because it holds 24% of the worlds oil reserves. Conversely, the Middle East holds 66% of the world’s oil reserve and supplies 30% of oil in the world. The dependence on foreign oil by the US has been worrisome to past administrations. According to Randall, President Richard Nixon established â€Å"Project Independence†to stop America’s dependence on foreign nations for oil. Furthermore, President Gerald Ford approved the regulation of petroleum prices, established the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and signed the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. On his part, President Jimmy Carter signed the national Energy Act to encourage the development of local sources of energy. 1.4 Probable solutions There is growing need to decrease America’s dependence on foreign oil due to the many problems which the phenomenon poses. It is imperative to develop alternate sources of energy in the US so that dependence on oil can gradually be lifted. Dependence on foreign oil may not be lifted totally but a gradual lifting of this dependence is important. Apart from oil, there are alternate sources of energy which should be explored in the US with the backing of the government and private sector so that these initiatives can be widely adopted. In the first place transportation is a major consumer of gasoline, so cars should be made to run on other sources of power such as electricity which is cleaner and will lower carbon emissions in to the atmosphere. Apart from electricity, wind energy too can be harnessed to power industries. Furthermore, dams built on rivers can generate vast amounts of electricity. Biological fuels too are important and these too need to be developed and used to lessen America’s dependence on oil. The current economic crisis in the world is an indicator to many people to cut costs. However, with the rising cost of crude oil, cost cutting will mean learning to do without crude oil and using other alternate sources of energy. Most of the alternate source of energy mentioned here are not harmful to the environment and the other benefit about them is that they are renewable as well. It does not matter how vast a country’s oil reserves are. There will come a time when these reserves will deplete. If the US continues to depend on foreign oil, what will be done when these countries no longer have oil to sell? The situation is best imagined. 1.5 Conclusion Obviously, the US needs to look else where to satisfy her energy needs. The switch from oil to alternative sources of energy may take a while but the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. This switch has become all the more important considering the amount of hatred which is shown to everything American, especially by terrorists from the Middle East. Much of the world knows that the US economy is affected by oil supplies- cripple this and you bring the world greatest nation to its knees.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Library Disaster Prepared Handbook Essay -- Library Science
According to The Library Disaster Preparedness Handbook, â€Å"the most common calamities for libraries are surely water incidences†(Morris, 1986). Water damage can occur as a result of a leaks, burst pipes, and natural disasters. Of these causes, â€Å" natural disasters of great violence are the most damaging: these include flood, hurricanes and tornadoes (Morris).†Because water damage is such a threat to a library and its collection, it is imperative libraries have disaster preparedness procedures in place for preventing or minimizing flooding and water disaster damages. The Edgecombe County School district in North Carolina learned the hard way just how important disaster preparedness planning is and just how damaging water can be when Hurricane Floyd flooded two of their schools’ libraries. Their experiences can be used as an example, and future school library programs and media specialists, like myself, can use their insights to better plan for di sasters in the future. On Wednesday, September 15 1999, Hurricane Floyd made landfall in Edgecombe County as a Category 2 storm. Because water levels were already high from Hurricane Dennis hitting the areas two weeks before, the torrential rains that accompanied Hurricane Floyd caused rivers and creeks to overflow their banks. The Edgecombe Country School District was hit hard by this flooding. â€Å"When the water ended its inexorable climb to unprecedented levels, approximately forty percent of the land area of Edgecombe County was under water†(Egerton, et al., 2000). Two of their fourteen schools were totally flooded to the extent that nothing in them was salvageable. The two schools flooded were Pattillo A+ Elementary School and Princeville Montessori School. Pattillo ... ...ican Association of School Librarians. Another great resource for public school libraries is the Beyond Words program started by Dollar General which helps replace books lost in disasters through grant assistance. It is very important that a school library have a plan in place in the event of a disaster, and have plans for all types of disasters, like floods, fire, and bombs. By planning in advance, staff will know what is expected of them during and after a disaster. It will also help keep everyone on the same page, as everything descends into chaos and uncertainty. In a school setting it is also imperative that the administration be aware of the disaster plan as well. Including the administration in the planning process will reduce miscommunication in the event of a disaster and will ensure that everyone is on the same page during each stage of cleanup.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay --
Introduction TIME Fibre Home Broadband The press ¬ure for internet user nowdays is to get better internet connectivity. This is the main reason why internet users are looking at fiber to the home broadband connection as a potential solution to get better internet connectivity. TIME Fibre Home Broadband offer the fastest connection in Malaysia. TIME company create a superfast home network and keeping up with the bandwidth need for user computer, smartphone, and tablet. TIME's core business focuses on providing wholesale information measure to leading native, regional and world operators in Asian nation and therefore the Asia-Pacific region. The cluster delivers intensive fibre optic-based telecommunications solutions, together with personal hired lines and dedicated web services to giant companies, government organisations and enterprises that demand progressive, always-on property. In Asian nation, TIME has created significant headway within the shopper phase, with the country's initial100% fibre-optic broadband service. With speeds of up to 100Mbps, TIME's service, presently the quickest within the country, has been effectively supporting a number of the industry's biggest names with innovative solutions. TIME offer user two package of their fibre connection 100Mbps Home Broadband and Unlimited Home Broadband that will bring the best connectivity for their user. TIME 100Mbps Home Broadband package offer the user 100GB monthly quota, equal to 200days non stop internet surfing or upload 20 thousand high resolution photo while the Unlimited Home Broadband package offer their user speed up to 50Mbps when user need more speed. 30hours of boost is made if the user want for free. The Technology Application TIME company use fiber o... ...sensitive data. Flexibility - An optical fibre has greater tensile strength than copper or steel fibres of the same diameter. It is flexible, bends easily and resists most corrosive elements that attack copper cable. Cost - The raw materials for glass are plentiful, unlike copper. This means glass can be made more cheaply than copper. Disadvantage Cost - Cables are expensive to install but last longer than copper cables. Transmission - transmission on optical fibre requires repeating at distance intervals. Fragile - Fibres can be broken or have transmission loses when wrapped around curves of only a few centimetres radius. However by encasing fibres in a plastic sheath, it is difficult to bend the cable into a small enough radius to break the fibre. Protection - Optical fibres require more protection around the cable compared to copper.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Indicator and Determinants of High Blood Pressure Essay
This paper implements the indicators and determinants of high blood pressure in men. Many studies have measure the effect of Hypertension among men of different ethnical and socio-economic backgrounds. Socioeconomic is one major determinant which influences high blood pressure in men. High blood pressure is a major illness in the human population, especially among men. High blood is normally called a â€Å"silent killer†due to the fact that there little to no symptoms. Fifty to fifty-eight million people suffer from hypertension with the increasing population being African Americans (John, n. . ). Steven was a 55 year old African American male that came into the hospital with complaints of a severe headache. Patients had no prior history of hypertension but blood pressure was taken with the result of 180/101. Patient states that he has a family history of cardiovascular diseases. Mother and Father suffered from hypertension as a result of obesity. Steven has worked for the United States Postal Service for 30 years and is under a lot of stress due to work. He is a chronic smoker and drink on occasions. The first medical professional that saw Steven was the ER doctor who cared for the patient and in returned referred Steven for follow up care with his PCP (Primary Care Physician). Before Steven saw his PCP the ER (Emergency Room) Doctor prescribes him Amlodipine 10mg 2 xs daily. The team that delivered care for Steven’s hypertension was as follow: * Dr. Ogalvie- PCP (Primary Care Physician) -Which his role is to, determines the best care for Steven and his hypertension. Provide a manage care plan and to make use of specialists and make referral that co- inside with Steven treatments. Nancy Bracey-Nurse Practitioner- The role of the Nurse Practitioner is to work as support to the Doctor when he is unable to make patients appointment or if he is in an emergency surgery. The Nurse Practitioner sometime plays a vital role in Steven treatments. She is able to help in Steven treatment, which includes ordering tests, conducting physicals, and ordering medicines. * Beth Anderson- RN- Registered nurses treat and educate patients in a clinical setting, keeping records of medical histories and performing diagnostics. Most RN work with patients and their families to teach them how to manage cardiovascular disease, educate them on dietary and other measures of minimizing heart risk and help patients with postoperative rehabilitation. * Lisa Coleman – Dietitian- The primary role of a Dietitian is to promote healthy and holistic healthcare. Steven dietitian educating him on good healthy eating habits. She also explained to him that exercising most important in keeping his blood pressure down. She also put him on a 1200 calorie diet to follow as part of his managed care plan. Data has shown and been a proven fact that hypertension is very prevalent in men, especially African American men. Many indicators can relate to hypertension such as socioeconomic statuses like where one live, employed or unemployed or a family base support system can all be factors. In Steven case some of the indicator were glucose, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure, and obesity (SABPA, (2012). All of these symptoms can be a target for organ damage. Steven also deals with anthropometric indicators which according to Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"The partial correlation coefficient was used to quantify the association between all anthropometric indicators with hypertension. Linear regression analysis was used to assess the influence of all anthropometric indicators on the variance of systolic and diastolic blood pressure†. Rahimi, (2012) states â€Å"Adult male population of Fars province had a high prevalence of hypertension, overweight and obesity which can be handled through healthy diet and physical exercises†. Steven dietitian stresses the important of holistic healthcare such as healthy eating habits and exercising on a regular basis. Other indicator was the problems of sexual dysfunction that Steven suffered in his marriage. Steven stated that he was unable to perform with his wife due to the high blood pressure medicine that he was taken. Rahimi, (2012) state â€Å"Thus sex, education, and for the most part, race were not independently associated with a failure to be aware or to enter treatment’. Rahimi, (2012) says â€Å"Sex and the number of antihypertensive drug days were independently associated with blood pressure control†. According to Steven physician Steven was also put on an enhancement drug to help with sexual dysfunction. According to Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"Vigorous public efforts led by the National High Blood Pressure Education Program and embraced by physicians’ groups and the pharmaceutical industry has steadily improved blood pressure outcomes in the past 20 years†. Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"To this point, however, overall increases in control have largely been driven by increases in awareness and entry into treatment among people with hypertension†. Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"Despite great technical advances, specifically the development of a wide range of new antihypertensive drugs and drug classes the process of care available in the community has not changed to any great extent and treatment itself remains highly inefficient†. Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"As an asymptomatic, chronic illness, hypertension does not pose a problem of diagnosis or cure, but rather the challenge of daily vigilance and ongoing commitment to treatment†. Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"For most people such as Steven with high blood pressure periodical visits to the physician’s office simply do not produce the desired outcome†. As a result of data Steven were treated and educated on manage control through medication, diet and exercise. The disparities of socioeconomic are due to his poor health outcome. The key to controlled hypertension is patient follow-up, a managed care plan and patient education. In Steven treatment plan the impact of the team base approach is to effectively promote a managed care plan that is efficient in regulating Steven hypertension. The main key is to educate Steven on a post treatment plan and follow-ups care. One analysis of Steven resource and saving would be that Steven partake in his company wellness program which in returned will save and give him an incentive on his current insurance plan. Lastly the advantage of a team base approach in Steven case would be that each individual on Steven medical team would strategically come up with alternative plans of action and a plan of care that will effectively help in the treatment of Steven hypertension. Each medical professional on Steven team will play an active role in the quality of care for Steven. Again the key component is to stabilize Steven high blood pressure through healthy eating habits and exercise. The scope of team base approach is logically come up with a solution in helping Steven sustain life through longevity of the hypertensive care plan that is put in place
Thursday, October 10, 2019
How Does Stress Affect the Policing Community?
cjs210Write a 200- to 300-word response addressing the following questions: How does stress affect the policing community? Stress has many effects on the policing community as a whole. Officers may lose sleep over the stress and become fatigued which in turn causes them to lack on their duties, or delay their reaction time. Officers may also get so stressed that they go through a post traumatic disorder. Post traumatic disorder can cause officers nightmares, or worse they can wind up committing suicide.How does police culture support police officers in evolving job situations? Police culture support officers throughout the evolving job situations by protecting each other. Officers have a brotherhood and a closeness that no other career has because of the daily struggles they go through. Due to the fact that an officer’s job is so stressful they build a bond and become a family for one another to lean on. Being able for them to help each other is important because they know wha t the other one goes through and what they see on a daily basis.Without the support from fellow officers I feel that many may not be able to make it through being a police officer. What resources exist to help officers handle stress? Some departments have their own psychiatrists that are always there when an officer handles a call that may be too stressful. There are also other ways that they cope like with private therapists, or working out. Exercise helps some, but not all which is why there are experts that are more equipped to deal with the daily problems officers may have.
Between Realism and Idealism
A great deal of conflict in the social life of individual people has been brought about by the existence of these concepts raising some questions of importance. Should an individual aim so high to an extent that is impossible to reach or aim average that is achievable?Should the individual assume on optimistic stand or a pessimistic one? Should the individual be good to others or fair to them? The existence of the various branches with regard to these categories proves that idealism or realism is never right with respect to all the branches.The issue of idealism and realism as a debate addresses the issues of whether an individual’s life as well as actions should be good as has been offered by the dogma of the Christians way of life. The issue of whether the individual should possess a caring sense as well as be fair with regard to the daily life is a determinant of whether the individual is living in a realistic or in an idealistic way of life.As for example, the issue of whe ther an individual an individual should drink or not depends on the stand the individual has taken with regard to the two extremes. It is evident that a person can drink and do no evil to the others while another person who does not drink at all may cause harm of significantly high magnitude to the life of others.It is a clear fact that each individual person is potentially capable for being good internally. In a realistic sense however some people are so static with regard to matters of change. As pertains the issue of whether the individual should drink or not, the goodness or the fairness of this will highly depend on the stand that the individual has taken.It is a possibility that one individual drinks and commits no harm to others while another person refraining from the activity may be of great trouble to other people. Furthermore the Christian Bible does not condemn drinking as an activity, but drunkardness as the effect of the activity (Tomuschat 83).As a clear guide as to t he best stand to take in life, a conservative approach to life is the most noble approach whereby the actions of the individual are determined by the need to be fair, obey the rule of justice as well as equality in a real life situation. It is good to make all the people get what is right for them, treating everybody in the same way and judging everybody the actions responsible for the person.The decision by the individual to arrange for a Sunday trip will also depend on the stand that the individual has taken since the trip may exhibit different motives. A trip that is meant for good as well as for the service of others is justified even at the context of the bible (Tomuschat 113).The contrasting belief is for people to live in a life of goodness, mercy as well as equality bearing in mind that every person bears intelligence which is a guide towards the actions taken, all of which are backed by some reason.The capacity for understanding is a clear lead to goodness. A fair treatment to all the people is important sign if the individual underwent a bad life in the childhood or is subjected to unconducive circumstances that fall beyond the control of the individual is a result of poverty wages, there occur a requirement for compensation so that everyone enjoys life in an equal capacity. The negligence of other people is responsible for the actions of others in the light of the considerations of the fallibility of people. Human beings are prone to making mistakes and this is so natural.A good person may be apprehended and aligned in the court of law for having committed a mistake. In the light of this argument, the possession of a Christian wife or otherwise similarly depends on the stand of the individual wife in as far as the two extremes of realism and idealism are concerned. The Christian wife is supposed to be a model for idealism, a stand which if defeated by realism, which bears potent influence to the behavior as well as the action of human, is equivalent with having a wife who is not a Christian (Tomuschat 213).ConclusionIn the consideration of the argument between justice and goodness, non is comparable to what God is in a position to handle which is usually in a perfect way and being neither rebel nor conservative and offering a question less situation as regards the correct balance in existence between the boundaries of justice on one side and grace on the other.In the case of the human being, who posses the characteristics of inferiority with respect to several aspects they can only grasp these concepts independently and one at every opportune time thus facilitating into parties of different orientations. It therefore important for an individual to lead a life of self awareness, that is instrumental towards the discovery of the stand of the individual with respect to idealism or realism.Work citedChristian, Tomuschat, Between Idealism & Realism. 2nd ed. USA: Oxford UniversityPress, 2004.Â
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Compare and Contrast New Religious Movements Essay
Compare and Contrast New Religious Movements - Essay Example The main doctrines in Jehovah Witness are based on the Holy Scripture, the Bible rather than any ancillary creeds. On the other hand, the Neo-Paganism teaching, which is a continued cultural practice, is not based on the teachings of the holy books, but rather on nature. Neo-Paganism teachings, therefore, are passed through word of mouth from generation to generation (Fisher 12). Jehovah Witness is one of the religions of the world that believes in the existence of monotheistic God. Here, the Biblical God is regarded as the most powerful creator of all the existences. God of the Bible is portrayed as the most powerful and the giver of life. However, Neo-Paganism operates on a belief in polytheicism. For instance, contemporary believers in Neo-Paganism are seen to be operating on the old model of goddess of spirituality. Here, the current believers emulate the goddess of spirituality through construction of alters and other places of worship. Moreover, the different gods in Neo-Paganism serve various purposes, that is, the god of fertility, which is related to mothers, is meant for productivity as was in the ancient times. Unlike Jehovah Witness, Neo-Paganism is a religion without any proper structure. In many instances, scholars assert that it is based on nature, making it depend on various ethnic groups. On the other hand, Jehovah witness is seen to be a well-organized religion with operational structures and doctrines that their followers emulate to become full members. For instance, one of the universal ways of becoming an adherent of Jehovah Witness is through baptism and accepting the teachings of the Bible. This method of acquiring membership is different from Neo-Paganism, which depends on ethnic influence (Fisher 13). These two religions seem to be having some shared similarities. For instance, the congregation of Jehovah Witnesses worships in churches. Likewise, Neo-Paganism is also based in worshiping at
Monday, October 7, 2019
Beggaining of catholic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Beggaining of catholic - Essay Example Jesus of Nazareth was an itinerant preacher in Jerusalem during the Common Era’s early 30s. Catholicism is strongly founded on the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. In this regard, the proclamation of Catholic Church is that the death of Jesus Christ was for intended for this church. In addition, Catholicism was built and established on by the apostles through Peter who is believed to have been given the Keys to Heaven’s Kingdom. Peter was also given the power to loosen and bind that which is bound in Heaven. At this point, the Catholics believe that Jesus gave Peter the obligation to serve as the head of the Church under the authority of Jesus (Norman, p.8). After Jesus’ resurrection, His mission of bringing salvation to man was complete. However, one would only obtain salvation through encounter with Jesus in baptism and becoming a disciple. This way, the church would be established. Holmes and Bicker reveal that with Peter as the church’s head, the other disciples assisted in the mission of disciples making in the world as Jesus had commanded. Through this mission, the word Catholic was used to mean universal, which also means the Catholic Church reaching around the world. The Pope and Bishops head the Catholic Church congregation. The roles of the Pope originated from Peter the church head, while the disciples were replaced with bishops. The Pope is considered to be the successor to have succeeded Peter whose grave is in Vatican City today. At first, the Roman Catholic Church in the Roman Empire was prohibited. In this empire, Christians were under terrible prosecutions. These conditions lasted for about three hundred years until the reign of Emperor Constantine (Vidmar, p.10). The conversion of Emperor Constantine into Catholicism made it legal and eventually recognized as the religion for the empire officially. Constantine legalized Christianity in A.D.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Reflective Journal Week-2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reflective Journal Week-2 - Research Paper Example The speaker, Michelle DeVires BS, MPH, ICC, delivered an informative talk on †Peripheral IV’s- Overlook source of Infections†and how they are a major cause of infections. APIC meets on a monthly basis, where they share their experience and information regarding current development in infectious diseases. The latest technological development regarding prevention, policies and procedures are also shared. The meeting was very informative and provided me with good knowledge and experience. I was really influenced and will be joining the group in order to benefit from vast knowledge they provide. Secondly, I was shown a survey form by Hill crest hospital. Since the Joint Commission will conduct a survey in the hospital between January and February 2015, the hospital is getting it ready for the exercise. The form stated Joint Commission preparedness and a list of things to be surveyed by the commission. I was also shown some of the standards of the commission as well its compliance list. The standards included purpose, patient population, scope, surveillance plan, responsibility for Infection Control Preventions Performance of the employees and key elements of the Infection Prevention Program. Lastly, The Infection Preventionist has been focusing on increased cases of Hepatitis B and C, since last year, within Hill Crest. The causes were stated as being the high patient population and the inability of the population, who come from poor backgrounds, seeking medical help when its late. The Hill Crest’s sister facility has been cited in the past due to skin infections such as MRSA and poor hand washing. Due to this fact, the facility was conducting an educational program for its staff to raise awareness about hand washing and the different germs as well as how they spread. I had an opportunity also to work with another staff
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Emerging Market of Saudi Arabia Research Proposal
Emerging Market of Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example The initiates taken by both the government and the private sector players have promoted the investment opportunity in Saudi Arabia by creating effective partnerships with the Saudi Businessmen in effort to bring newer industries or modern technology to the country. Added emphasis is being given on attracting the infrastructure promotion and power generation but the investments made in these sectors are yet to exhibit the financial attractiveness in it. The existing capital investment from foreign institutions specifies three conditions (U.S. department of Commerce , n.d. ), The Saudi Arabia is a rapidly growing region among Arab countries and hence the empirical evidence gained from the choice each firms make on their capital structure (Leverage ratio) could be used to gauge their financial performance in the emerging scenario. This aspect as been considered on the reason that detailed and more exhaustive studies are needed to make valid conclusions on the best capital structure for any company (Rajan & Zingales, 1995, Harris and Raviv, 1991). Further, a few researchers have alos raised an opinion of the influence of organizational characteristics on the corporate leverage level, thus making this research more valid (Fan et al., 2004; Hall et al., 2004; De Jong et al., 2007). Thus, in order to understand the better performance of business organizations in the emerging market the criteria it is proposed to adopt the debt / equity ratio as the most appropriate parameter. Further, Saudi Arabia has a highly conservative financial market where the interest from debts is considered as illegal. Thus this creates a situation of very low leverage. Thus as companies have decided to undergo the process of financial planning the present approach would be turned from the debt to be linked more to equity approach. Thus this study could open newer vistas of academic research in the area of financial planning for the companies and proposing better investment options. 2: CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE & STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE The topic of capital structure is very important considering the potential of investment that the Saudi Arabian companies claim to have. The leverage signifies the amount of the debt securities the is issued by an establishment in event of the capital requirement. Hence, the extend of leverage that the firm carries in its capital structure is very important to understand the exact picture of financial performance. Thus the uncertainty of future profitability would loom large as the company would have to make regular interest payments besides the principal repayment. While the increased use of debt would result in a higher value of debt to assets ratio which explains the proportionate amount of fund the firm have borrowed with respect the assets owned by it. Thus the leverage or debt/equity ratio highlights the profits for a firm with positive earning while exposing the loses for a firm with negative records in earning. Thus in the research would help to
Friday, October 4, 2019
Writing and Researching Skills Self-Assessment Essay - 3
Writing and Researching Skills Self-Assessment - Essay Example In this regard, the aim of the writing and researching skills assessment is to proffer pertinent details that one has learned about oneself in terms of the skills developed for writing and research through the completion of these activities. The course has given one ample opportunities to write three-page articles and the required research paper where pages ranged between eight to ten pages. At the onset, the number of pages to be written seemed to be an ominous task. As one received appropriate instructions on the writing techniques and guidelines for effective writing, confidence is slowly developed. The skills in selecting an appropriate topic for discussion, choosing the most effective authoritative references, and developing a cohesive paper were progressively honed. Due to the need for regular proofreading and reviewing the written drafts, one likewise developed proofreading skills and the chance to enhanced one’s vocabulary. There was recognition for the need to use synonyms and expand comprehensive abilities through searching on meanings of unfamiliar terms that were encountered in secondary sources. Further, there was emphasis on adhering to literary form and structure through the observance of grammatic al rules and tips for effective essay writing. One developed the skills in research through discerning authoritative and academic sources of information and the need to acknowledge other research through proper citation and referencing. Also, given the magnanimity of information available from diverse sources, one was able to discern which references to use and which ones would be most beneficial for the identified research study. The skills of introspection were thereby aptly developed through the writing and research experiences throughout the course. Despite the number of articles and research paper written, one strongly believes that there is still a need to further develop both skills
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Alcoholic beverage Essay Example for Free
Alcoholic beverage Essay When the word alcohol is brought up, what do you think about? What comes to my mind is parties, and what people think they have to drink to have fun. Did you know that over 5,000 people under the age of 21 die each year from alcohol-related car crashes, suicides, homicides, alcohol poisoning, and other injuries such as falls, burns, and drowning? Alcohol can be a very dangerous substance if not treated correctly and drank responsibly. Alcohol is a form of a drug but unlike the other drug, marijuana, heroine, because this is socially accepted and is legal for anyone over the age of 21. It can have many good and bad affects to the body depending on whether you’re responsible or not. One way alcohol can be dangerous for the body is because it effects the brain and its functions. Long-term drinking can leave permanent damage, causing the brain to shrink and leading to several  deficiencies in the fibers that carry information between brain cells. Many alcoholics develop a condition called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is caused by a deficiency of B vitamin. This deficiency occurs because alcohol interferes with the way the body absorbs B vitamins. People with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome experience mental confusion and lack of coordination, and they may also have memory and learning problems. The body responds to the continual introduction of alcohol by coming to rely on it. This dependence causes long-term, debilitating changes in brain chemistry. The brain accommodates for the regular presence of alcohol by altering neurotransmitter production. But when the person stops or dramatically reduces his or her drinking, within 24 to 72 hours the brain goes into what is known as withdrawal as it tries to readjust its chemistry. Symptoms of withdrawal include disorientation, hallucinations, nausea, sweating and seizures. One of the bad things that can happen from alcohol is how it can affect family relationships. Married couples and partners also take on spontaneous roles when living with an alcoholic. Many non-alcoholics go into denial about their spouses addiction, or become afraid to confront the alcoholic in fear of what they could do or losing them. The partner may then develop a high tolerance to the alcoholic’s behaviors. The partner will begin to feel depressed, confused, or maybe even guilty. When either partners or spouses are alcoholics, they often are in denial of their problem and neither believes they are dependent of the drug. Adults and children often don’t see themselves in many of these discussed roles, which is why it’s extremely important for families to be a part of the alcoholics recovery process and to be very supportive when they try to get help. Alcohol can affect your life in some good or bad ways depending on how you drink, how often you drink, and how much you drink. It is better to drink responsibly and that means knowing when you have had enough. This normally means drinking only 1 to 2 glasses a day with a meal, and to also have a healthy diet that goes along with that. Otherwise the health benefits of drinking alcohol are gone, and replaced with some horrible side-effects.
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